Happy New Year!
By now a few of you are 5 days into your New Years Resolution. While others, like me, are yet to set some as we come back from our summer holidays.
Wherever you are on your resolution cycle here’s a thought …
Resolution comes from Resolve.
Resolve means to have a determination to take a course of action. Like going to the gym, or learning french, or blogging.
Resolve comes from two words ‘re-‘, meaning to do again and again. And ‘solve‘, meaning to find a solution to a problem.
And so a big part of having resolve is to know what problem you are trying to solve. The goal of going to the gym is generally not going to the gym. Rather its Losing weight, getting fit or having rock hard abs. Knowing what you are trying to solve is the key to the story.
Once you have the story, and the power for self-discipline is in the story. Use the story to ‘re-‘mind yourself almost daily so that you have the ‘re-‘solve, the determination to actually head to the gym.
Or learn.
Or blog.
Self discipline is hard. I believe for me personally it becomes almost impossible without ‘re-‘solve, without the story.
So when you start to struggle to meet your goal, and you will, don’t forget to remind yourself of the story of who you are trying to become, and remember …
You can and will achieve it!