People Matter ∴ Do Good

Lead a vivid life that does good

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I can’t imagine war

THANK YOU for giving more than we can imagine. I can’t imagine what it’s like to go to war.

I can’t imagine having the courage to leave my family. To say goodbye to those I love.

I can’t imagine being shipped off to some distant land to fight for people you don’t know.

I can’t imagine long periods in trenches. In jungles. On battlefields. Bored. Exhausted. Cold, wet and scared.

I can’t imagine entering the battle. To be ordered into such great danger that my life is no longer in my hands.

I can’t imagine what it’s like to start shooting. At humans. Real people. To take a life.

I can’t imagine what it’s like to see people killed. Not just people, but friends. Close friends. Killed right in front of my eyes.

I can’t imagine being shot. To feel the excruciating pain. To know I am in the middle of nowhere. In the middle of a battlefield. To fear for my life.

I can’t imagine returning home. Emotionally and physically scarred. To have the scenes, the sounds, and the bloody images locked permanently in my mind.

I can’t imagine.

I also can’t imagine our country. Our life. Our freedom. Had you not imagined our freedom for us, and then given everything.

I can’t imagine we could ever thank you enough.

THANK YOU for giving more than we can imagine.


Explore anything anywhere anytimeWhen I was a kid, before you could ‘google maps’ the entire earth, I day dreamed of exploring the vast pacific ocean and discovering some distant new island.

Nowadays, explorers are mostly people from ages past, that we watch in documentaries, or read about in children’s books. I don’t know of any parents who want their kids to grow up being explorers.

But explorers is exactly what we should be.

Explorers are brave. Bold. Adventurous.

And to explore means to search. Scrutinize. Investigate. Discover.

Which means we can all choose to be explorers.

We still need explorers!

You & I have the opportunity every day, to discover something new.

We can explore new cultures by talking to a stranger. We can explore new foods. We can explore new neighbourhoods. We can explore new ideas.

We can explore anything.



If you are brave enough.

Stopping unintentionally

Stopping Unintentionally is the worst kind of stoppingA few weeks ago three people, over the course of a week, reached out to ask why I wasn’t blogging? One example is from a young reader who private messaged me, “I was just wondering what happened with your blogs – I really enjoyed reading them”

I looked back and saw I hadn’t blogged in almost 6 months!

How did that happen?

Did I stop because it wasn’t part of my essential intent? No… one of my goals is to have an evocative voice.

Did I stop because it was a creative burden? No… I love the creative outlet for the random thoughts I have.

Did I stop because I was too busy and had to focus on other things? Sadly No… You make time for what is important.

The truth is I stopped unintentionally. Which is the worst kind of stopping.

It wasn’t a decision.

I just stopped.

For no good reason.

Thank you to the people who asked about my blog.

The implication for me is… Start. Blogging. Again! Which is going to take discipline and habit building all over again.

The implication for you…

What have you recently stopped doing, unintentionally?

Maybe it’s time to start again!

Letting Go

If you want people to grow - you have to let go“You don’t understand,” I said partly in jest, “It has nothing to do with their fear of change. It’s ALL my own insecurities.” As soon as I heard the words leave my mouth, even though I was meaning them to bring humour, I knew they were true.

I was trying to work out what my role should be in Agoge, the social business I founded and own. Hearing these words changed everything. I realised that so much of my identity and status and self-esteem was tied to being the leader.

And allowing my insecurities to win, would eventually lead us to lose.

This week Jim Grafas, was promoted to CEO of Agoge. I couldn’t be more excited to see a person who I trust and who is an amazing friend take the role. More importantly he is a phenomenal leader who people love to work with, who deeply cares for people, and who passionately believes in Agoge’s vision of People Matter ∴ Do Good.

I will tell you something else about Jim. He doesn’t yet know everything he needs to know to be CEO, which means he will make mistakes. Which is exactly how he will grow.

If I allowed my insecurities to stop me stepping out of the way. Then I not only stop myself growing, I stop Jim, and the amazing team beneath him from growing as well.

If you want people to grow, you have to let go.

Since having the insight about my own insecurities, it’s amazing how often I have heard it in others. So many leaders and managers and even parents are holding great people back, purely because they won’t let go.

Our role is to help people grow into the best possible version of themselves.

We don’t do that by holding on.

We do it by letting go.

If you want people to grow, you have to let go.


Finally in case you’re interested. I haven’t retired. I’m now the MD of Agoge and still passionate and emotionally invested in its future. I’ve also teamed up with Vivek to co-found a new social business, that aims to have the same ethos and purpose that Agoge does, but solve a different problem.

How much do I get paid?

Pay Kids for inventionsAround our house we have duties that everyone has to do each week on rotation as a part of being in the family. Then there are the tasks like mowing the lawns which I can do for free, or the kids can do for money.

Of course the first question is “how much do I get paid?”

We are taught from an early age to value our time when we work. We are rewarded for the hours we put in, not the outcomes.

Which is weird, because as adults we know true success is not determined by how much we earn.

Success is defined by what we do.

What we learn.

What we create.



Who we help.



And how we shape the lives of people around us.

I’m not sure I want my kids to grow up with a ‘wage’ mentality. I would rather they have a ‘change’ mentality.

Maybe those of us with kids should start paying them for the hours they aren’t on devices or watching TV.

We could pay them to read, or exercise, or learn new stuff they don’t teach at school.

We could start offering to pay our kids when they are writing, or creating, or making art.

Better yet, we could pay our kids for each invention they make, regardless of how successful. Or fund any social project, no matter how short-lived.

I’m sure there will be a downside to all of this, but it must be better than just paying them to mow the lawns

Is today your favourite day?

"What day is it?" asked Pooh. "It's Today." squeaked Piglet. "My Favorite day." said Pooh.“What day is it?” asked Pooh.

“It’s Today.” squeaked Piglet.

“My Favorite day.” said Pooh.

Is today your favourite day? Or are you caught up in the frustrations of yesterday or concerns for tomorrow.

Maybe today is the biggest scariest day you’ve had in a while. Don’t let that stop you looking for moments that make today special.






Make today “your favourite day.”

As I type it’s raining and bleak, there is pressure at work and meetings ahead I don’t know the outcome of. It could be any other day really.

But it’s the only today I get to live in. So at some point I’ll pause to laugh, or steal some time back to take a stroll, or simply pause to look around and marvel at the world, or all of the above.

If today is to be a favourite, we need to choose to make it so.

Leaders must do good.

alan-kurdi“I hope all the leaders of the world can try and do good” Abdullah Kurdi says a year after his two sons and wife drowned trying to flee Syria.

A year ago this image of the limp dead body of his 3 year-old son Alan, shocked our minds and grabbed our hearts as we were exposed to desperate plight of the refugees fleeing war-torn Syria. And while the image has all but drifted from our minds, for Abdullah the heart-break of losing his family seems as real today as it was a year ago.

“I hope all the leaders of the world can try and do good,” he says “that the wars will stop and people can go back to their normal lives.”

And while his cry is to world leaders, there is a sense in which his cry for hope sits with all leaders.

It is the responsibility of all leaders to do good!

If you lead in any way, you can impact the world by doing good. You may not solve the Syrian crisis, but you can bring hope to the people you help.

That’s what intentionally doing good does.

It brings hope.

As a leader of a business whose vision is “People Matter ∴ Do Good”, I’m reminded of the proactive nature of doing good. As I go about my days at work, opportunities to do good rarely present themselves to me, rather I need to seek them out.

Doing good is not something we stumble upon.

We need to go looking for it.

Enjoying the moment

 Only NOW can we live FULLY in this moment.I’ve sat in this cafe at least a dozen times over the last year or so and never noticed how diverse the lights. They are different sizes, shapes and strength.

If I’m honest, the only reason I haven’t noticed the lights before, is because I have never been fully present in this cafe. I’ve never taken the time to sit and just absorb my surroundings and let the sights and sounds connect me in the moment.

As a futurist most of my thoughts are in the future. I know others who spend most of their thought life in the past.

And of course there are a few lucky people who are incredibly good at being present. At noticing. Engaging. Connecting. Absorbing. And ultimately enjoying the moment.

The past is behind us, the future is coming. Only now can we live fully in this moment.

One of my weaknesses is being present.

I’m certainly not saying we shouldn’t review the past, or think of the future. But if our thoughts and conversations are always somewhere other than here, in this moment, then in a way we are missing out on living.

Are you a time-traveler?

Our view that the world is standing still, is wrong in every way.It took the entire history of mankind up to the 1800’s before the world reached a population of 1 billion people. Nowadays we add a billion people to the population every 13 years.

Until the early 1900’s our collective knowledge would double every century. By 2013 it was doubling every day. Soon it’s expected to double every 12 hours.

When my parents were children they couldn’t have dreamed of smartphones, and their grandparents didn’t dream of planes.  We are now more connected and mobile than any other time in history.

The world is changing.

It is moving forward at lightning speed.

Each day brings incredible change.

Our view that the world is standing still is wrong in every way.

We are time-travelers, and we would do best not to forget it.

The implication to our businesses, clubs, churches, governments and even families is gigantic.

Now more than ever “we’ve always done it this way” is wholly irrelevant to the next generation.

Choosing to be colourful

Our world is not black & white So why have black & white opinionsAs a kid growing up we had a black and white TV in my parents room, and a colour TV in the lounge. As you can imagine the difference when switching between the two was stunning.

Equally as stunning is the difference in us when we are being black and white, compared to when we are colourful.

Black and white people say I’m either terrible at something or brilliant. Colourful is the middle possibility, I’m just fine.

Black and white people get locked in to one political view or vote based on what they want. Colourful seeks out what’s best for everyone.

Black and white people only read and learn to support and strengthen their existing view. Colourful causes them to read and learn at the edges.

Black and white leaders do what they’ve always done and believe they have the answers. Colourful leaders challenge others to push boundaries.

Colourful isn’t about abandoning everything you believe, rather it is about allowing it to be challenged.

Our world is not black & white. So why have black & white opinions?

Think back at last week … did you become more black and white, or did you become more colourful?

Make it your goal this week to become more colourful.

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