Lead a vivid life that does good

Month: October 2014

The guy whose name you never knew


Have you ever heard of Michael Collins?

Firstly it’s his birthday today. So HAPPY BIRTHDAY Michael!

If you are like me, you have never heard of him. I know the names of his two colleagues Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin. You know the guys that got to walk on the moon in 1969, but I had never heard the name Michael Collins.

Michael was the third person on Apollo 11. He stayed back and piloted the orbiting command module while Neil and Buzz got to fly down to the moon for a bounce around. He was a critical part of the team and they would not have been able to return home without him and yet if you are like me, you don’t know his name.

He of course was not the only nameless person involved in that mission. There were literally 1000s of support staff that made the mission possible, and yet the names we know are Neil and Buzz.

This of course the case in most successful organisations. There are some people who are the visible front of the organisations, while there are many support staff who daily enable and support and make things actually happen.

And just as Neil and Buzz needed and where thankful that Michael was on their team, I am thankful and grateful and privileged to work with cool people who enable us to fulfil our vision of “People Matter ∴ Do Good”

We have a bunch of people whose names you probably dont know. At times a few of us get our turn in the spotlight, but for the most part these people work tireless for the greater team. We would fail in our Mission if not for them.

Thanks to Ivan, Hardeep, John, Andrew, Alex, Megan, Bren, Mat, Jon, Neihana, Gav, Damian, Naomi, Clive, Susannah, Michaela, Nick, Robyn, Linda, Cosmin, Ilana, Barry, Rachel, Jim, Brendon, Tiriana, Francis, Stephanie, Nicki and Rosie.

Thanks for believing in our Mission.

You all rock.

Are you an Ideas Person?

Ideas PersonThe micro expressions on my face probably reacted negatively after hearing her proudly proclaim that “I’m an Ideas Person.” I’m not so much disagreeing that the person is an “ideas person”, rather I am reacting to the implicit meaning which is, “not everyone is an ideas person, and I am”.

Every person I have ever met has ideas.

Ideas come from what they know. Ideas are built on the things they are learning and the experiences they have had. I know a lot of people who don’t believe they are ideas people but they are. At some point they have said or thought things like;

  • This is stupid … we could …
  • If only I could … then …
  • I wonder if I did … if that would …

Now, some people are super smart and have more ideas than others and some ideas blow my mind (like the guys to decide to make 50 cent microscopes out of paper), however everyone is capable of new ideas.

The key of course is to be ever-increasing your experiences and knowledge.

If you are not learning, looking for new challenges, and seeking feedback. You will generate significantly fewer ideas.

When I struggle to have good ideas it is usually because I have no new input. I am not being adventurous, not reading, not watching videos or listening to new ideas. I am just existing. Without new input I’m not wiring my brain to think of new things.

New ideas it seems, lead to new ideas.

Should you choose Passion or Pay?

042313.passion_pay.web_I was wondering the other day how I would guide my kids if they ask me what is more important in a job, passion or pay?

Suppose they are passionate about an interest, but it really doesn’t pay that well, should they pursue the interest or get a good paying job?

When I talk of a good paying job I mean a job were you can provide well for you (and your family) without spiraling into consumer debt just to stay alive. And passion is probably best describe as something a purpose that brings joy to your heart, does good and makes you feel alive.

Obviously if you can have both you are incredibly fortunate, but in reality few people have both.

So which should it be?

Firstly seek both. Take a hit on a high paying job and take the job that you are passionate about. Just make sure you can live within your pay comfortably because nothing kills passion more quickly than money problems.

Secondly, if you must choose one or the other. Choose Pay, so long as the job doesn’t suck all the life out of you. Choose a good paying job that provides for your needs AND leaves you with time and energy to pursue your passion.

Keeping your head above water financially is important, but so is pursuing a passion. I know many people who have chosen huge money over passion and grumble about their work most times I see them. Their pay may be good, they may have everything they need, but that lack the joy that comes from chasing their passion.

Passion or Pay … which would you pick?