Lead a vivid life that does good

Month: September 2014

Why you should start traveling light

Suitcases - Travel LightAs hard as it is for me to admit, the very first time I ever flew I packed … my pillow!

I was in my twenties when I first flew on a plane and my employer sent me to Christchurch for a night to help out with Health & Safety. So being the first time I had ever packed for a plane flight, I packed like I was touring around the country again by road. I grabbed the one massive suitcase I owned and filled it with everything I might need.

Business pants and shirts … and extra pants and shirts just in case. Casual clothes x 2 … just in case. Pretty much I packed two of everything, just in case, and even after packing two of everything I still had room for my comfortable perfectly sized pillow.

Nowadays … wow things have changed. Long gone are the days of packing a pillow and I can travel for a week or more with carry-on luggage. I have learnt that if you want to travel light you need to take a lot less stuff and you need to have a small bag. One needs to relentlessly remove all extra this, the emergency that, and then in some cases remove things you really think you will need.

As you might have guessed this post has a double meaning.

Firstly, you should travel light, you seriously should. Carry on only. You might actually enjoy it and its unlikely you will be missing anything.

And, I’m starting to see that we have a heap of extra things in our lives, both home and work. We need to get rid of all those things that we really don’t need, and all that stuff that we have just in case.

Maybe we should get rid of anything that isn’t



or joyful.

I bet we have a lot of stuff in our homes and offices that doesn’t fit that criteria.

An interesting change occurs when you try to travel light. You don’t want to go back and you tend to travel lighter and lighter, whereas before I would try to take more and more.

I wonder if it’s not the same with our things. The more we have the more we want, and maybe if we started reducing what we have… we would become more satisfied with what we’ve got.

Are you going to change the world or not?

Be the change

Within most of us exists a longing to make a positive change in the world. We see news, meet people and experience things that make our stomachs churn to the point that we would love to make a difference.

We want to change the world, but instead we do nothing.

Why is that?

I wonder if it’s because we think the problem is too big and we have been taught to have an all or nothing approach. We are led to believe that in order to have an impact we need to change the whole world or fix the whole problem.

The truth is no one person can truly change the world and it’s unlikely you will either.

Maybe it’s time we stopped having “change the world” as our benchmark as it makes anything less feel small, insignificant and pointless.


You can make a difference in one person’s life.

You can radically change that person’s world.

You can. Yes you.

And you can do it today!

So the question is … Are we going to change the world or not?

Two things you need to become innovative

Creative ExecutionYou have probably all worked with people at the creative extremes. At one end is the person who works really hard, executes like crazy then tells you “I’m not creative”. At the opposite end of the scale is the “ideas person” who constantly has ideas and never delivers on anything.

Leading these people can be vexing indeed. For the ‘executer’ you know they have a depth of knowledge that could dramatically improve your organisation, if only they took the time to be creative occasionally. And for the ‘ideas guy’, could they not stop talking and actually do something.

At Agoge two of our values are Execution and Be Creative. I’m realising that these two values are in constant battle with one another.

Being creative and execution are a paradox.

You can’t do both well at the same time. When you are in execution mode, work is about lists and priorities and completion. And when you are being creative the last thing you need to be thinking is to-do lists.

Creativity it turns out takes one thing… TIME.

Creativity requires that you take an extended break from executing.

Creativity requires leaders who are prepared to allow their team to stop executing so that they can be creative.

I desire for the organisations I lead to be innovative. Here is the formula:

Creativity + Execution = Innovation

As a leader this means I must be doing both and I must be constantly enabling my team to do the same.