It’s called a moment.
And it often only lasts an instant.
Its defined as “an indefinitely short period of time.”
a moment.
Recently I had a moment. A time where I sat down and thought about some of the things I want to try and fit into a week. Good things generally. Things that I know will make me, by my own high expectations, a better human.
A better leader. Dad. Husband. Friend. Things that will help me to impact the world I live in more positively.
Things like journaling; which for me is a blend of slowing down and spiritual growth.
Or exercise: which relieves stress, fills my lungs with fresh air and generally makes me more productive.
Or reading; which challenges my thinking, sharpens me, keeps me at the edge and ahead of my team.
Finally writing; I have this desire to learn to write creatively, passionately and evocatively.
Now what I realised in this moment was two things. Firstly each of these things takes between 3 and 4 hours a week to do them well. That’s 12 – 16 hours a week before I start work or spend time with family or fly planes or anything. No wonder I never fit it all in.
Secondly I realised that I have never really nailed down which of these I am really passionate about and built a strong resolve to do them. The result is that they all happen sporadically, just like this blog.
I know I need to resolve to change things, but I haven’t. If I am not careful another 6 months will pass before I have another … moment.
I hope not.