Firstly I have to rant about going to Nicolini's on Cuba Street in Wellington last night. It had been a few years. The atmosphere was splendid, the Italian food was sensuous and complimented stunningly by the merlot. It was a great relaxing evening, shame that Alf & Jared had to put up with my company. A few rounds of pool afterwards, and I was completely transported back to my CP days when it was our Wellington dining location of choice.
I was thinking yesterday about the tension I have between my being an entrepreneur and a manager (just what my kids need a schizophrenic dad). The entrepreneur in me wants to take risks, head for the big dreams and win at all costs. On the other hand the manager in me wants to manage the risk well, ensure our long term future, even though it may be at the expense of rapid growth. The balance is actually incredibly hard to find, big dreams vs. stability.
Too make matters worst whenever I am faced with difficult decisions I become seriously analytical, and I mean analytical to the point that even the most boring numbers engrossed accountant would be impressed. At the end of it I have more information than I would ever need, and have it
cut 1500 ways. And it almost always tells me what I already knew.
I then come back to the key question, take the risk and fight or err to the conservative.