Lead a vivid life that does good



I wonder what important parcels or documents are on board this DHL plane? I am sure that somewhere a person waits for the arrival of a parcel, that is possibly the most important thing in their life right now.

At the conference, most of the speakers felt like they had something important to say. They have important jobs, and it was critical they get their learning across.

Important comes from the word import. To import means to ‘bring in’. We can tell what is important in our lives by the things we ‘bring in’. What we buy, how we spend our downtime, who we talk to, all indicate the things we think are important.

Lets be honest for a moment. Important focuses on ME!

Exportant is not a word but maybe it should be. It would mean to ‘give out’. Maybe our lives should be measured less by what we bring in and more measured by what we give out.

Then how we spend our money, our downtime and how we talk to people, would be focused on what we give out, rather than what we bring in.

Then we would be exportant.

And most probably what we actually do, would become genuinely important.


Treat others the way you want to be treated

The Golden Rule states “In everything, therefore, treat people the same way you want them to treat you.”

It doesn’t say when its convenient or when it suits. It doesn’t say to some of our friends or people we get on well with.

It says in everything.

All things.

All situations.

All people.

In everything…

On Facebook, by email, by txt, behind their back, and face to face.

Whether they live in our country or another, and believe what we believe or have faith in different things.

Friends, enemies and strangers.

Poor, rich and in between.

Regardless of how they have treated you. Treat them the way you would want them to treat you.

In everything…

If we would want to be helped in hard times, help people whenever you can.

If you want people to stop talking harshly to you, stop being harsh.

If you want to be encouraged, be an encourager.

If you want to be heard, listen.

In everything!

The golden rule requires personal choices by everyone, every time we interact with another human being. How much different would society be if we all chose to live this way?