Lead a vivid life that does good

Tag: Looking Back (Page 2 of 2)

183 | 365 Halfway Number 2

Day183.jpgYou may have heard that it takes 40 days to make a habit, or 28 days or some other iterative. Wrong, wrong and wrong again.
Between yesterday and today I am halfway through 365. I missed one day in 183 days, which for me is amazing. The only other things I have done for 183 days straight in my life, is get up, eat and breathe.
For me after about 50 days, remembering to take the photo became a habitual, but actually taking the photo requires another step up in discipline again. For example, it was a mission to make it to 100, and today’s photo is because I remembered, not because I had a flash of creativity.
I am learning about habits and discipline. Disciplines like going to the gym, running, reading, studying or quiet times. For me it takes about 30 – 50 days for the thought process to become habitual, to become ingrained as a priority in my life.
But every time, every single time, I still need to choose to take action, to step out and run, or do my quiet time, or take a photo.
If you think I have the habit thing sorted out, I don’t. It’s like today’s shot on my drive to Tauranga. The glare from driving into the sun, the dirty window, makes my view lack clarity. Same for my knowledge of just about everything.

[183 | 365 ‘Halfway #2’ – Down the Kaimai’s driving into the sun, behind a slow truck]

182 | 365 Halfway Number 1

Day182.jpgSomewhere between today and tomorrow I am halfway through project 365, which is taking a picture each day for 365 days.
Looking back and ahead, I think I would like to take more people shots because they show more of life than objects, or candles, or coffee drops. If I do this, it will take another level of discipline again because I will need to go looking for interesting people shots.
Speaking of interesting people, today I was online on Skype waiting for a call that never came, but then my friend Steve gave me a call.
The first thing Steve did was encourage me, it just rolls off his tongue honestly and naturally. He has this incredible ability to build people up and I am often reminded by Steve’s actions how important that is.
I’m reminded today that life is about people.
[182 | 365 – ‘Halfway #1’ – Steve the encourager and a reminder how much I love technology]

The month that was…

Firstly Kevin Carroll author of the Red Runner Ball, did a shoutout about my very out of date block. You can read it here. http://kevincarrollkatalyst.com/index.php/blog/shoutout_thursday/

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E1OHz0zJaWg&hl=en]

I was blown away, and humbled that Kevin, wrote about me. The net and social networking perplex me alot.

Some posts I wrote in the last month:

I Think I Do… @ lead2live.com

Mowing the lawns … oh JOY! @ lead2live.com

sexy @ lead2live.com

The week that was…

A sad week this week. Went to the funeral of my uncle Terry. He was my Mum’s only living immediate family member and an awesome uncle. Craig and I spoke at the funeral.

As I reflected on his life I know that his life challenges me to be a great uncle. One that takes a genuine and unique interest in my nephews and nieces.

Some posts I wrote in the last week:

Made or Born @ lead2live.com

Expectations @lead2live.com

Australia T&L @viewpoint.net.nz

My mood generally is good, but overloaded. Need to work out what I can stop doing…  Problem is I have a huge week ahead.

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