Lead a vivid life that does good

Month: July 2010

301 |365 Puzzle

Day301.jpgpuz·zle (pŭz'əl)
v. puz·zled , puz·zling , puz·zles

  • To baffle or confuse mentally by presenting or being a difficult problem or matter (verb. Tr)
  • To be perplexed. (verb. Intr)
  • Something, such as a game, toy, or problem, that requires ingenuity and often persistence in solving or assembling. (noun)

Hey – They just wrote a definition of my life, I am both puzzling and puzzled.
But then aren’t we all.

300 |365 Te Rapa Dairy Factory moves closer to city

Te Rapa Dairy FactoryEvery year they move the Te Rapa dairy factory on the outskirts of Hamilton closer to the city. It’s a huge undertaking I know, and I never actually see how they do it, but the diary factory is now right on the city boundary.

When I first moved to Hamilton it would take ages to get to the dairy factory from Te Rapa, but now Te Rapa and the dairy factory are stones throw away from each other, rather than kilometres.

Around the same time that I moved to Hamilton, a property developer friend of mine said that cities in New Zealand grow to the north. Almost 15 years later he was proved very correct, the urban growth of Hamilton has all been to the North, and Te Rapa stretches further than ever towards the dairy factory.

Finally, this is one of those on the way home, must take a photo shots. A bit disappointing that my 300th photo was of the Te Rapa Dairy Factory, but that’s the way the 365 project rolls I guess.

298 | 365 The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago

Best time to plant a tree was 20 years agoAn old chinese proverb says “The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The next best time is now”. Case in point, the tree that Kyla is climbing is 11 years old and would be unclimbable if it was two. But I think that this proverb has implications to more than just trees. The best time to do a lot of things was in the past … the next best time is now.

The best time to get healthy was in the past … the next best time is now.

The best time to reconcile with someone was in the past … the next best time is now.

The best time to input into your kids lives was in the past … the next best time is now.

You get the idea.

297 | 365 Buying Clothes

Day297.jpgMy wardrobe. There are clothes that hang around within its depths that that may well predate Noah, but certainly are old enough to have lost whatever distant connection to fashion they may have had.
I am about to be burdened again with the chore of buying new clothes (it’s a male thing).
Burdened by the looking.
Burdened by the choices.
Burdened by the cost.
Burdened by the realisation that I will spend more on clothes, than a person in the developing world may well earn in a year.
But once those burdens have past. As they quickly will. I will enjoy wearing new clothes, despite the fact that in years to come they will again be worthless.

295 |365 Productive Travel

Hamilton Road SignSince implementing GTD last year, I have learnt to make my travel more effective and productive. The key to effective travel is actually spending time planning and prepping days or sometimes weeks out.
Some things I do to improve my travel time are

  • Have reading with me, if I get downtime, it’s a great fall back and I catch up while flying.
  • Have pod casts downloaded for travel in the car.
  • Book solid days of meetings in advance.
  • Prepare agendas and key outcomes of meetings while travelling.

And then sometimes, travel time just needs to be used to process and make decisions.
The result of effective planning was two very productive days of travel into four of our branches.

Took this photo on the way home to Hamilton.

294 |365 Stop the car

Day294.jpgI love how my team put up with my somewhat eccentric 365 photo project habits. Driving into Wellington after a fleeting trip to Christchurch and Wendy graciously stops the car so that I can get my photo of the day.
I couldn’t miss it. I mean how often do you get to Wellington with no wind, a beautiful day and all in the middle of winter.
It’s worth capturing, if not just to prove to future generations that it actually is possible.

286 |365 An hour out

Day286.jpg This will sound weird to some people but last week I planned to take an hour out. A full hour with no note book or cellphone or laptop, so while I was in Tauranga headed to Leisure Island (which because of the high tide was actually an island).
Took time to watch and breath and think. Was amazed by the rip the surfers were catching out to the wave break that moved fasted than I walked. Then further amazed by the guy, pictured here, who climbed out on the rocks with his board, waited for a big wave and jumped in.
An hour out, no people, no connection, just me and my thoughts. If you’re super busy, give it a try.

282 | 365 Meals

Day282.jpgI think having meals together in each other’s homes is dramatically undervalued. Over the years I have come to love having people at our place for meals. Don’t get me wrong, I love going out for dinner, but at home we, our guests included, tend to relax more, talk more openly, and be more authentic.
Had Francis and Delwyn for dinner. They are an awesome couple we are blessed to call friends.