Lead a vivid life that does good

Tag: The story of my life

The story that shapes your life.

The Story you tell yourselfIn my final years of high school I was labelled. I was average (to below average). I lacked discipline. I needed to work harder. It would have been easy for me to accept that story and have it define my life.

What your schools, friends, colleagues and even family say about you is far less important than it seems.

Far more important is the story you tell yourself.

You get to choose the story that shapes your life.

No one else.

Fortunately, the person I am today is dramatically different to the person I was 20 years ago.

Over the years I’ve learnt that its not the things I am told that hold me back. It is almost entirely the things I tell myself.

And to be honest, the stories we tell ourselves are a lot harder to change than we think.

BUT (I use this word intentionally), they can be changed.

That should give you great hope for the future.

What’s the story of your life?

TheStoryofMyLifeIt’s funny the things you overhear a snippet of as you walk past someone. Recently I walked past a young boy, 6 or 7 at a guess, and his mum walking along the footpath. As I pass the only part of their conversation that I heard is the boy boldly proclaiming to his mum “That’s the story of my life.” She laughed as it was obviously a phrase he doesn’t use often.

As I walk I mused about how it was a funny thing for a young kid to say. Then I was reminded that far too many adults use the phrase to define who they are.

It’s not often “That’s the story of my life” is used in a positive and successful way. That’s the story of my life, is normally a negative, broad statement implying that this always happens to me. That it’s a lifelong pattern.

Maybe it’s time to change that story. To tell a new story. A story not defined by your past, rather a story a small incremental change. The kind of change that you don’t notice day-to-day, but you do notice when you look back over months or years.

You have the power to change your story today, or you can decided to carry on as we were, then it truly will be “the story of your life”.

What’s the story of your life?

Are past experiences and failures shaping your story?

Why not commit to making a small change today. A small tiny wee step towards changing your story, so that you can replace the words “that’s the story of my life” with these words…

“Let me tell you my story…”