Have you ever tried to encapsulate an entire year into just one word?

It sounds daunting, right?

For years, I’ve been summing up my years with a single, defining word. But the real game-changer was when a friend suggested selecting a word for the year ahead, and I’ve found it incredibly empowering.

I’ve found it incredibly helpful as the year progresses to keep me focused on what is really important to the holistic me. The word is less about work goals and more about how I want  grow and lead and be.

As we dive into the new year, what’s one word you’d want to define it?

Imagine a word that truly defines your dreams for the year. Like a beacon for your year, this word could capture your aspirations, objectives, and those areas ripe for growth.

For me, “Ascend” is the word of the year. The goal is to sharpen my focus as I lead my team toward our goals, improves some of my habits, and inspires my personal quests, including climbing actual mountains.

So, what’s your word?