Photo of actual sunset from the bridge.
And so it came to be that I was standing with my daughter on the walk bridge, in the now, watching as the sun slowly inched below the horizon. As twilight took hold a memory was locked away. A memory of being present, being here, being in the now.
And I could have missed it.
A few minutes earlier I had been driving home, noticing the sun as New Zealand rotated away from its radiant light. I decided to call my daughter and told her to meet me outside in a few minutes, and just minutes after that we watch the sun set for another day.
It was exciting.
Memorable. (Memories are only made in the now!)
And all it took was a simple choice, to disconnect and enjoy the moment. To be in the now.
My mind is always active. It’s so active that often I miss what is happening around me.
I miss the smell of flowers as I enter the room.
I miss the popping sounds as I walk along an estuary.
I miss the opportunity to engage with the person in front of me because I’m thinking of what’s coming up.
I miss the now.
Do you?