Lead a vivid life that does good

Tag: future

Are you a time-traveler?

Our view that the world is standing still, is wrong in every way.It took the entire history of mankind up to the 1800’s before the world reached a population of 1 billion people. Nowadays we add a billion people to the population every 13 years.

Until the early 1900’s our collective knowledge would double every century. By 2013 it was doubling every day. Soon it’s expected to double every 12 hours.

When my parents were children they couldn’t have dreamed of smartphones, and their grandparents didn’t dream of planes.  We are now more connected and mobile than any other time in history.

The world is changing.

It is moving forward at lightning speed.

Each day brings incredible change.

Our view that the world is standing still is wrong in every way.

We are time-travelers, and we would do best not to forget it.

The implication to our businesses, clubs, churches, governments and even families is gigantic.

Now more than ever “we’ve always done it this way” is wholly irrelevant to the next generation.

Is worry a good use of our imagination?

Pause for a moment and think back to when you were young. Do you remember some of the ways you let your imagination run wild.

Most of us as children had powerful imaginations. At night you would see a shadow cast by a tree and think it was a burglar … or ghost … or monster … scary! By day our imagination would run wild and allow us to turn some boxes into an amazing castle where we could defeat any enemy.

As we grow older we don’t imagine less … we imagine differently.

Now we imagine things happening to our kids. Imagine that conversation before it actually happens. Imagine her motives.

From time to time we still let our imagination run wild. We imagine cool, beautiful, amazing things, we allow our imagination to turn towards hopes and dreams, but for the most part our imagination is about scary things.

Worry is not a good use of our imagination.

We all worry … sometimes a lot.

Maybe worrying allows our imagination, which is an incredibly powerful and creative part of our mind, to imagine a negative future that may or may not happen.

We allow this brilliant capacity of being human, of being alive, to capture our darkest thoughts. We know intellectually that we shouldn’t ‘worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will take care of itself’, and somehow we still allow our imagination to take us captive.

And those dark thoughts can be paralysing.

Imagination used for good can be delightful.

What if we could take all that negative imagination and use it for good.

What if we could get into the space where we can use that powerful, creative, brilliant part of our human minds to just imagine good things.

To think positively.

To dream.Relax Balloon

To create.

To hope again.

What if we could learn to imagine a future that is beautiful.

That is amazing.

That is delightful.

How would using our imagination that way change our outlook on life?

How might it change the way we live?

There are people that I care deeply about that seem to struggle more than most with the dark side of imagination and worry. I wish I had a miracle answer for those of you who are in dark places, or who struggle with depression right now. I don’t sorry.

I know from personal experience how hopeless our imagination can make us feel. In my experience, and I haven’t been as low as you are, I have found a few things help me:

  1. My imagination changes when I am walking and running. Something about fresh air and creation and space seem to slowly declutter my mind.
  2. My imagination changes when I feed it well. When I feed myself healthy food, when I listen to healthy music, and when I stop reading about negative stuff on the news or even on social media.
  3. My imagination changes when I create. When I grab my camera and look for a photo. When I write. When I doodle on a piece of paper while drinking a coffee and pretending to work. Even when I create fun.
  4. My Imagination changes when I allow myself to dream. Stupid crazy stuff. Impossible stuff, just like when I was a kid.

If you imagination is still leading you into dark places, this useless advice of a currently healthy person, so know this…

We care. Please ask for help.