Lead a vivid life that does good

Tag: blogging

Stopping unintentionally

Stopping Unintentionally is the worst kind of stoppingA few weeks ago three people, over the course of a week, reached out to ask why I wasn’t blogging? One example is from a young reader who private messaged me, “I was just wondering what happened with your blogs – I really enjoyed reading them”

I looked back and saw I hadn’t blogged in almost 6 months!

How did that happen?

Did I stop because it wasn’t part of my essential intent? No… one of my goals is to have an evocative voice.

Did I stop because it was a creative burden? No… I love the creative outlet for the random thoughts I have.

Did I stop because I was too busy and had to focus on other things? Sadly No… You make time for what is important.

The truth is I stopped unintentionally. Which is the worst kind of stopping.

It wasn’t a decision.

I just stopped.

For no good reason.

Thank you to the people who asked about my blog.

The implication for me is… Start. Blogging. Again! Which is going to take discipline and habit building all over again.

The implication for you…

What have you recently stopped doing, unintentionally?

Maybe it’s time to start again!

How do you use your social media voice?

How do you use your social media voiceA few months ago I ranted about a poor customer experience I was having. It attracted a fair amount of attention (and weirdly ‘likes’) and the company took ownership and resolved.

More than any time in history you have a voice to hundreds, if not thousands of people.

You have the ability to contribute.

To share what matters most.

To influence.

To encourage.

Sadly, most of the time we use our social media voice to say “here look at me”. Which is all good, but if it’s all we do we are missing an opportunity.

An opportunity to be authentic and encouraging and generous.

A unique opportunity to speak life into others.

The post that I wrote about customer service was one of the more liked and commented posts I have had in a while. I would like to think it was because of the parts I wrote about becoming a grumpy old man, but sadly I suspect it wasn’t. I’m not sure it was generous or encouraging. Nor did it really speak life.

I blog because I decided I would use my voice and story and words to speak life into others, but you don’t need to blog to speak life into people.

It can be as simple as encouraging someone.

Why not do that today!