Lead a vivid life that does good

Month: May 2014

Why NZ needs a Ministry of Men’s Affairs

Ministry of Mens Affairs source 3newsA friend of mine was sitting next to the Minister of Women’s Affairs on the plane recently and I asked him if he had asked her, if “women have many affairs?” Ok, that’s a poor shot at humour.

The Hon. Jo Goodhew has an incredibly important role and I love that we are the first country in the world to give women the vote, the first country in the world where women have held the 3 most senior offices (Prime Minister, Governor General and Chief Justice). The Ministry of Women’s Affairs has been and will continue to play an incredibly important role.

This got me thinking though… Is there a need for a Minister of Men’s Affairs?

We spend a huge amount of resources protecting and supporting the disadvantaged, and maybe we need to focus on addressing a core issue …


What if the Ministry of Men’s Affairs had one goal “to develop better men

Less addictive
Less abusive
Less prejudiced
Less couch bound

More literate
More balanced
More tolerant
More adventurous

Better role models
Better fathers
Better husbands and partners

Great Men who break repeating cycles and in turn raise Great Men.

I know plenty of great men. I also know plenty of men, and communities where men struggle with abuse and addictions and have never had great role models. These men are the role models for tomorrow’s men.

I know that a Ministry of Men’s Affairs is probably politically incorrect. It’s not a strong opinion or deep held belief or a statement on equality. Rather it’s an evocative post to remind us men are the cause of much of society’s problems, and maybe, just maybe, a focus on them might have long term benefits.

If you are a Man reading this post, the implication is clear.

Break the cycle. Be a Great Man!

Why Accountability is more like Renting than Owning.

For RentOften, as I’m walking or running along the streets, I will notice rental properties. Not because they have a sign on them saying they are rental, but because of the way that the lawns are kept and the gardens are over grown. The residents just seem to park their cars wherever they might like, be it, on the driveway or on the grass.

Sometimes rental properties seem to be treated differently than properties that are owned by people. An owner seems to take more care and responsibility for their property, if things need fixing they get fixed, whereas a renter generally contacts the landlord to get it fixed. It’s the owner’s problem.

In business, we have a word that has almost become the business version of Renter, it’s the word ‘accountable’. It’s not that being accountable is wrong, just as renting is not wrong. People that are accountable (give an account) for their own actions, but if something needs fixing, or something really needs owning, they will often speak up and they will pass it on to somebody else.

It’s funny I say this because at Agoge accountability is one of our behavioural values, however we also have a tagline that says “See it. Own it. Fix it.” If you see a problem, it’s one thing to be accountable, to see a problem and flag it up to somebody, and then effectively wash your hands of it. Accountability for us requires that you see the problem. And own it. And work with the rest of the team until it gets fixed.

Accountability means, you aren’t just a renter. You are an owner.

There is a difference between how most organisations view accountability and ownership. Just as there is a difference between renting and an owning.

People who take real ownership are invaluable!

Today, will you take ownership for something, or will you merely be accountable for it?

Which will you be, a renter, or an owner?

What’s the story of your life?

TheStoryofMyLifeIt’s funny the things you overhear a snippet of as you walk past someone. Recently I walked past a young boy, 6 or 7 at a guess, and his mum walking along the footpath. As I pass the only part of their conversation that I heard is the boy boldly proclaiming to his mum “That’s the story of my life.” She laughed as it was obviously a phrase he doesn’t use often.

As I walk I mused about how it was a funny thing for a young kid to say. Then I was reminded that far too many adults use the phrase to define who they are.

It’s not often “That’s the story of my life” is used in a positive and successful way. That’s the story of my life, is normally a negative, broad statement implying that this always happens to me. That it’s a lifelong pattern.

Maybe it’s time to change that story. To tell a new story. A story not defined by your past, rather a story a small incremental change. The kind of change that you don’t notice day-to-day, but you do notice when you look back over months or years.

You have the power to change your story today, or you can decided to carry on as we were, then it truly will be “the story of your life”.

What’s the story of your life?

Are past experiences and failures shaping your story?

Why not commit to making a small change today. A small tiny wee step towards changing your story, so that you can replace the words “that’s the story of my life” with these words…

“Let me tell you my story…”

4 ways to succeed after when you feel like you have failed.

Innes 48 hour startupI heard the disappointment in their voices. I saw it in their body language.  Black Gold had taken the prize that they just poured 48 hours of their lives in to winning. They hadn’t won and I completely understand their frustration … I too hate losing.

Last night I had the privilege of crashing the Innes 48 hour start-up challenge run by Soda Inc in Hamilton.  I say it was a privilege because I come away energised and inspired by the start-up community. There were some incredible participants who will go on to disrupt entire industries.

As I reflected on the evening I was reminded that the decision to win is not in the hands of judges. The decision to succeed as individuals, not so much as businesses, broadly requires us to…

1)      Commit: Are you in? Are you prepared to throw everything behind it? Are you prepared to risk? Without making the decision to commit you will struggle to get the traction.

2)      Focus: Stay focused on what is wildly important. Don’t get distracted. Know your customers, know your issues, pivot if necessary, but focus. Don’t lose sight of the end goal.

3)      Start: You can’t finish if you don’t start. Each big project is just a series of small tasks. Constantly ask what is the very next step you need to take? Now take it.

4)      Repeat: Everyday.

I also came away challenged.

What will I do?

Am I prepared to cause huge disruption?

It’s time for me to Commit. Focus. And START.

Maybe it’s time for you to do the same.

Hero’s wanted … YOU can apply here.

Only You can be the HERO in your lifeNo-one can replace YOU in your life.

No-one else can be their father or mother.

No-one else can love your spouse or partner the way you can.

No-one else has had the struggles and successes you’ve had. That makes you the perfect person to help.

No-one else can come to the rescue quite like you.

Your whole life has led up to this moment…

Only YOU can be the HERO in YOUR story.

Will you choose to be their HERO as well?