I’m a social entrepreneur…

TEDxRuakuraFor most of the last 200 years enterprise, really capitalism has been about making money to line the pockets of the rich. It has been about the individual, not about the greater good.

Social Entrepreneurs make a difference in the world by using business to implement social change for good. I believe that the charitable model is changing, from a donation-based model, to a business lead model, where profits, ideas, people and resource is invested into social change.

Social enterprise is an emerging field that has a lot of buzz to it, and not a lot of large-scale action. I am it’s student.

TEDx Talk andrewnicol.net/tedxruakura

In June 2015, I had the opportunity to share some of my journey towards of creating businesses that do good at TEDx Ruakura in Hamilton. I hope this video gives you some insight into that journey and my belief that business should be used to do good.

People Matter Collective

I’m a founder of the following organisations who share the same vision of People Matter ∴ Do Good.  

Agoge. People Matter Do Goodgood.trust
Click the images to find out more.