Rototuna_small_kidRecently I attended the parent information evening at the Rototuna Primary School. I have always felt that the school was doing a great job, but that evening reinforced it for me. 

The school motto is "He Rawe Mo Aka Tonu – Our Best Always"

They teach values through the "Rototuna Learner" pictured here. The six key values are:

Rototunacellphone CommunicatorGive and receive – Kids are taught to be great verbal, written and verbal communicators

Rototunamap Researcher Figure it out – Kid are taught to be naturally inquisitive and to problem solve.

Rototunabeanie ThinkerThink about it – My favorite, kids are taught to think. My kids are often doing mind maps at home.

Rototunarope Risk TakerHave a go – Kids are taught to step out of their comfort zone and give heaps of things a go.

Rototunateam_player Team PlayerWork together – How important is team work.

Rototunacompass Self ManagerManage me – They teach the kids they are responsible for things. Kyla class are responsible for doing their own homework.

How cool is it that my kids are learning these values. These values could easily be used in a business, and yet my 5 and 7 year old are learning them. These are the values of people who contribute to society, of our future leaders and of well rounded individuals.

If their short time at primary school can equip them with these values, and they can build on them through out their life. How far could any of the kids at this school go?

As I sat at the meeting I found myself wondering, how many of these kids could be their generations leaders. I had renewed hope in the next generation. I also wondered what the difference in education would be at a decile 1 school (Rototuna is a decile 10) I suspect it would be disheartening.

Well done to Phil and the team. It is a privilege to have my kids at your school.